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Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Although most Americans would agree that Medicare is a great program, we all know that it has limitations. It was never designed to take care of all your healthcare needs. Even with the recent changes and improvements to Medicare coverage, it is still far from an all-inclusive coverage program. That makes it even more important to know the facts about Medicare coverage and your other healthcare options so that you can make the right decisions for your future well-being.

You can pick a supplemental coverage plan (Medigap) to cover the gaps left by Medicare, and Keystone can help you make those decisions by giving you the information you need. With our help, you design a plan for your specific age, income and other circumstances. If you need someone to help you cut through the confusion, Keystone representatives are experts in the complexities of Medicare and supplemental care policies, and they are eager to help.

Things to Know

A Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policy is not the same as a Medicare Advantage Plan. You cannot have a Medicare Advantage Plan and a Medicare Supplement Plan at the same time.

  • You must have Medicare Part A and Part B to participate in Medicare Supplements.

  • If you currently have Medicare Advantage, you must make sure you can leave the plan before your Medicare Supplement policy begins.

  • You pay your Medicare Supplement premiums separately from your monthly Part B premiums that you pay to Medicare, as those policies are issued through private providers, not the government.

  • A Medicare Supplement policy only covers one person. Spouses will need to be on separate policies.

  • As long as you pay the premium, your Medicare Supplement policy can’t be canceled because of health problems.

  • You may still need to participate in a Medicare Prescription (Part D) Drug Plan in order to have prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Supplement policies don’t cover everything. Generally, long-term care, vision, dental, hearing aids, eyeglasses and private-duty nursing are not included.

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